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  Compare Sports: This topic will cover the comparison of all major sports in various aspects including fun, social, family, degree of difficulty, skills, talent, cost and ease of playing, recreational, competitive, facilities, health, academics and careers in sports.

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All sports can be mainly classified into two categories, individual and team. Popular individual sports are golf, swimming, tennis, boxing, badminton, track and field and more. Popular team sports are basketball, soccer, baseball, american football, rugby, cricket, hockey and more.

Different sports are popular in different parts of the world. Sports like soccer, basketball, tennis, track and field events are truly global and played in most parts of the world.

Sports popularity varies by gender. Boys/men play and watch most (if not all) sports in general, but that is not the case with girls. Popular sports with girls/women are tennis, soccer, basketball, softball, volleyball, track and field, golf, gymnastics and swimming.  Tennis is the most popular sport with females.

Degree of Difficulty: Some sports are easy to understand and easy to play and some other sports are hard to understand and hard to play. For example soccer is very easy to understand and easy to play. American football is very hard to understand and hard to play. But one thing is common to all sports, which is, it is very hard to master any sport and very hard to reach highest level possible in any sport and very hard to become a professional in any sport.

Here are the most difficult sports to compete and play in the order of highest difficulty to lowest difficulty.Boxing, Ice Hockey, American Football, Basketball, Tennis, Soccer, Baseball, Cricket ...

Success Factors (Skills, Talent, Physical Attributes ...) : Each sport is different, so does the skills or talent that is needed to be successful in that sport. Below you can find major sports and what kind of skills are required to be successful in that sport. One may not be successful in a sport with just these skills and often may need other skills to be successful.

  • Basketball - Agility, Durability, Coordination, Endurance, Speed, Height
  • Tennis - Coordination, Agility, Endurance, Power, Speed
  • Baseball - Coordination, Power, Speed
  • Soccer - Agility, Endurance, Speed, Coordination
  • American Football - Strength, Durability, Power, Speed
  • Ice Hockey - Durability, Power, Speed, Agility, Coordination
  • Volleyball - Coordination, Agility, Power, Height
  • Gymnastics - Flexibility, Nerve
  • Lacrosse - Speed, Agility, Endurance
  • Swimming - Speed, Power
  • Golf - Power, Coordination

Recreation Sports, Competitive Sports: All sports can be played for recreational purposes. But some sports offer more recreational opportunities than others. Here are the most popular recreational sports in that order. Golf, Basketball, Tennis, Soccer, Cycling, Running, Volleyball, Billiards and Table Tennis.

Competition varies by country and region. Some sports are more competitive than others. Usually the more number of people play a sport, the more competitive there is, except in few cases like boxing. In general, here are the most competitive sports in the world in that order from highest competition to lowest competition. Soccer, Basketball, Tennis, Golf, Baseball, Swimming, Volleyball, Cricket, American Football and Rugby.

Health, Injury, Medical Conditions: Playing sports will help both physical and mental health. Sports in general will help your mental health by taking out stress and by refreshing your mind. When it comes to mental health, there is not much difference between various sports.

Health, Injury, Medical Conditions: Playing sports will help both physical and mental health. Sports in general will help your mental health by taking out stress and by refreshing your mind. When it comes to mental health, there is not much difference between various sports.

  • Most Benefit -  Soccer, Basketball, Hockey, Swimming, Tennis, Lacrosse
  • Medium Benefits - Baseball, Cricket, American Football, Rugby
  • Lower Physical Health Benefits - Golf

It's not a secret that while playing sports one can get injured. Some sports are more injury prone than others. Contact sports usually results in more injuries for obvious reasons.

Here is how the major sports spare when it comes to potential for injuries.

  • Highest Injury Prone Sports -  Hockey, Lacrosse, Soccer, Basketball
  • Medium Injury Prone Sports - Baseball, Cricket, American Football, Rugby
  • Lowest Injury Prone Sports  - Golf