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  Job Profile

A sports management graduate can work anywhere starting from school/college/national level sports teams, public/private sports agencies, public relation firms, athletic departments, health gymnasiums to recreation organizations. Irrespective of the nature of organization, sports managers have to follow a hectic work schedule round the clock.
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In addition to their routine work, they have to do extensive traveling along with the sportsperson or team and monitor the practice sessions too. They are also responsible for maintaining the public relations and taking the necessary steps for sports or team promotion. In a nutshell, they are the whole and soul of the sports or sports team they opt for.

Job Opportunities in Sports Management

Sports managers can offer their services as a sports agent, sports scouting agent, sports equipment manager, athletic director and sports retail store manager.

A sports agent works for a professional athlete managing his finances, negotiation, endorsement deals and sports contracts. Scouting agents work in tandem with coaches and sports agents to assess the performance of college level players and evaluate the probability of their absorption into the national sports team.

The sports equipment manager takes the full responsibility of team's sports equipments and is involved in directing the equipment production, purchase, repair and regular maintenance. As an athletic director; a sports manager makes, arranges and manages athletic events. The operations and management of a sports retail store (selling equipment, clothing and footwear related to all kinds of sports) is looked after by a sports retail store manager.

The sports management graduates can try for a large number of jobs in sports management waiting for them in the job market. Wide scope of sports career not only allows them to work but also to experiment, to obtain high bracket salaries.