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  A sportsperson or an athlete winning a competition and fetching laurels to his team and country soon becomes an eye candy especially amongst kids and youth. It is his/her outstanding performance that makes the sportsperson a role model for the upcoming young talents to follow. The excelling performance on the field is a cumulative result of athlete’s training, hard work, fitness, discipline and natural talent.

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Nevertheless, an indispensable component behind athlete’s fitness and performance is nutrition. A well balanced diet covers the body’s nutritional needs besides providing immunity and increased stamina. An active person’s fueling is significantly different from a couch potato. Realizing this, many sports nutrition programs have come up in the recent years. These programs provide natural supplements to enhance an athlete’s outcome.

Some natural ways to boost an athlete’s performance are:

1) Refill body’s fluid needs: An extensive workout or training session is sure to cause a lot of sweat. It is advisable to consume 16 to 28 ounces of liquid per hour during workouts.
2) Use carbohydrates as body fuel: Complex carbohydrates on oxidation releases smooth and steady flow of energy for the body to consume unlike simple sugars such as glucose, fructose, etc.
3) Prolonged exercises demand protein: Protein is known to repair torn down body tissues. It contributes to energy generation when carbohydrate stores have been exploited.
4) Eating green: Green leafy vegetables like spinach are known to reduce inflammation in muscles.
5) Amino acids for quick recovery: Fatigued and tired athletes can recover easily with substantial amount of amino acids present in the body. They also improve functioning of muscles.

We see all these natural ways require intake of some or the other edible product. The Herbalife 24 nutrition program has been developed keeping all these points in mind.

The Herbalife 24 nutrition program is one of the leading sports nutrition programs. Herbalife has natural and herbal products in the category. These products contain the highest quality ingredients with the formulas based on proven scientific facts. Meeting individual fitness goals, these products maximize physical performance and provide peak results without disrupting body’s natural balance.

With a variety of sports being played all around the year, the need for sports nutrition program was inevitable. It makes easy to take care of an athlete’s nutrition as Herbalife 24 nutrition program provides customized programs based on athletes’ specific needs. Along with the energy and fitness they provide, these products are also great in their flavor.

Discuss with a physiotherapist to plan the optimal sports nutrition program for you based on your age, gender, training requirements and sports specifications.